The right song can transport you places beyond your imagination.
It might be small and mighty, but it's quality over quantity, right? For someone who's been adventuring for so long, I wondered why it had taken me so long to curate this list. Maybe because I had been listening to all of my other playlists in rotation. It wasn't until I wanted one specifically targeted at adventure that I knew it was time.
Feel Alive & Be Alive
I'm always feeling inspired by my surroundings. Whether it's taking note of a song on the radio in the car during a road trip, or a playlist from a friends phone on a hot summer night at the lake. Perhaps it's throwing it back with a bit of Bob Marley as you're sailing the shores of Lake Winnipeg, or it's a new trending song on social media that's making you feel alive, like you're on top of the world. As a very sensory based individual, audio makes a big difference in my world. So much so that constant stimulation from traffic of the city and other day to day noises can affect my mental health, negatively. It's with the magic of alternative listening through music, that my heart can return to its regular happy, healthy, beating self.
Time Travel
Music transports me. I'm sure that's the same for many, but when you hear that specific song, you time travel. To the past, the future, wherever you want to be. Laughing along the lake shores at your favourite beach in the summertime with friends and a bonfire, blankets and beverages in tow. How about you and your bestie taking that long awaited girls trip, riding bicycles down the street together, off to get an ice cream cone. Maybe, it's even feeling like a little girl again, dancing barefoot in your childhood living room on carpet, while popping in one of your mom's CD's.
Aside from places we've been, are the places we want to be. Certain song allow me to close my eyes and visualize the place that I am. What season it is, who I'm with and what my surroundings look like. I honestly feel like it's my Queen's Gambit moment with chess on the ceiling. Minus the prescription motivation of course. Music can take you places.
One of my tricks of the trade to combating creators block is being open minded to try different processes. I've got my classic go-to's as well. Listening to music is one of them.
Like a baby, this playlist is in its infancy and I look forward to watching it grow. Is there a song that just 'gets you' and has you feeling like you can go anywhere and do anything? I'd love to hear it! Send me a message.